North Trail

The North Trail for hikers is 1,058 kilometers long and is broken down to 47 daily stages, each roughly 20 – 25 kilometers long. The bikers’ alternative is even longer – it is 1,140 kilometers long and is doable in two to three weeks. And yet, this is not all. The Northern Trail is beautiful in winter, when you can enjoy incredible 632 kilometers of uninterrupted and mostly machine groomed cross-country skiing tracks.

The North Trail passes through 18 mountain ranges and geographical areas, over eight protected landscape areas, two national parks and countless national nature reserves and natural monuments. If you complete the whole trail, you will have climbed over 50 peaks higher than 1,000 meters and set foot on the highest, lowest, westernmost and easternmost points of Czechia.

Trail section Length (hiking) Days (stages) Length (bike) Length (ski) Start Finish
1. Fichtel Mountains 72 km 3 73 km 16 km Westernmost point Kraslice
2. Ore Mountains 186 km 8 186 km 63 km
85 km
Kraslice Tisá
3. Elbe Sandstone Mountains and Czech Switzerland 71 km 4 54 km Tisá Studený
4. Lusatian Mountains 52 km 2 52 km 48 km Studený Jítrava
5. Jested Ridge 22 km 1 22 km Jítrava Chrastava
6. Jizera Mountains 72 km 3 51 km 33 km Chrastava Harrachov
7. Giant Mountains 70 km 4 89 km 74 km Harrachov Trutnov
8. Broumov Highlands 93 km 4 79 km 51 km Trutnov Dobrošov
9. Eagle Mountains 73 km 3 83 km 42 km
26 km
Dobrošov Suchý Vrch
10. Králický Sněžník 45 km 2 77 km 24 km Suchý Vrch Kladské sedlo
11. Rychleby Mountains 20 km 1 35 km 18 km Kladské sedlo Ramzovské sedlo
12. High Ash Mountains 41 km 2 78 km 44 km Ramzovské sedlo  Skřítek pass
13. Nízký Jeseník Mountains 102 km 4 105 km Skřítek pass Fulnek
14. Moravian Gate 25 km 1 27 km Fulnek Svinec
15. Moravian–Silesian Beskids 113 km 5 129 km 108 km Svinec Easternmost point
Total 1058 km 47 1140 km 632 km    

Hiking routes by stages
Gpx files (Zip archive)

Cycling routes by sections
Gpx files (Zip archive)

Nordic skiing routes by sections
Gpx files (Zip archive)

Itinerary (pdf file)


North Trail on Outdooractive